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Puerto Plata-Restaurant Remodeling Contractor

June 11th, 2024

Case Study: Restaurant Remodeling

Puerto Plata-Celebrating the Reopening of Their Waterfront Bar Area

The owners of the Freeport restaurant, Puerto Plata on the Water are giving testimonials on this video of their positive experience working with Ben’s General Contracting Corp.  Our team assisted them with the design, permitting, and build-out of their masonry patio and bar.  The owners needed a restaurant remodeling contractor who could do the work and build an area that the building department would approve promptly.   Instead of seeking out a construction management firm, they decided to contact a local contractor,  Ben’s General Contracting Corp.   The owner’s main objective was to get the permit, complete the project to get the patio/lounge open by summer.   This was accomplished before summer with time to spare.  Watch the video and see for yourself.

McLean PP video compressed

If you own a restaurant or a commercial business in Long Island and are looking for a restaurant remodeling contractor please call us at (516)623-2945.  We do commercial building design and take care of everything.

Service you can trust, a reputation we have earned:

Nassau license: #H18d5940000
Suffolk license: #27322-H
Long Beach license: #2734
NYC license: #601005
NYC: Hi#1423370-DCA
Massachusetts license: #CS-106367

General Contractor
Builders / Developers
Licensed & Bonded
NYC • Nassau • Suffolk